Example 1: Uninstall a module. This example uninstalls a module. Uninstall-Module -Name SpeculationControl. Uninstall-Module uses the Name parameter to specify the module to uninstall from the local computer. Example 2: Use the pipeline to uninstall a module. In this example, the pipeline is used to uninstall a module.

卸载工具 - .NET Core | Microsoft Docs 2020-5-27 · .NET Core 卸载工具.NET Core Uninstall Tool 05/27/2020 本文内容.NET Core 卸载工具 (dotnet-core-uninstall) 使你可以从系统中删除 .NET Core SDK 和运行时。 The .NET Core Uninstall Tool (dotnet-core-uninstall) lets you remove .NET Core SDKs and Runtimes from a system. GeekUninstaller专业破解版-Geek Uninstaller Pro … 2020-3-26 · 5Total Uninstall Pro 6.7.1 中文破解注册版 6CleanMyMac3 破解版 3.9.9 免激活码 7恶意软件清理助手2015 最新版 8一键清除右键多余菜单(批处理) 免费绿色版 9Debloater 汉化版 3.9 10IObit Uninstaller Pro破解版 附激活码 关于 pip uninstall 不干净 - V2EX

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Apr 23, 2020 · Uninstall Zoom from Windows 10 PC TJ McCue. TJ McCue. How to delete Zoom on a mobile device: iPhone or iPad, or Android. It can vary on each device, but generally, press and hold the icon on your

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