Richiesta di accesso alla VPN | CeDIA -
Jun 19, 2020 Vpn Unige Ipad - Vpn Unige Ipad, vpn gratuit avec proxy, Www Safervpn Com Gratis, Protonvpn Password Rovery. 75% off. $3.33 a month Get VPN Access 09. hours. Network Software VPN L'infrastructure d'accès distant VPN de l'UNIGE vous permet, depuis le monde entier et sous certaines conditions, de vous connecter de manière sécurisée au réseau de l’UNIGE ainsi qu'à ses ressources. The VPN remote access infrastructure provides a secure connection to the UNIGE network and university resources from anywhere in the world (some conditions apply). Using the VPN, you can access your publications, online journals, personal data and documents, as well as most of the digital resources that are available to you when you are Per richiedere l'accesso alla Vpn ci sono due differenti procedure: Per docenti e tutto il personale afferente all'area dell'insegnamento, l'interessato deve compilare il modulo alla pagina seguente Per i tabs, il dirigente, il caposervizio o il caposettore deve fare richiesta, specificando i dati dell'interessato usando il modulo alla pagina Mar 13, 2020 · UNIGE Mobile est l'application officielle de l'Université de Genève. Elle vous permet d’accéder aux principaux services de l’UNIGE et vous sert de guide dans vos démarches quotidiennes sur le campus, en vous apportant des informations ciblées en fonction de votre Faculté et de vos thématiques préférées. Que vous soyez étudiant ou collaborateur, simplifiez-vous la vie avec une
If you are outside the University, you have to install a software called VPN (for Virtual Private Network), so you can access UNIGE electronic resources as if you were in UNIGE premises. To install VPN on your private computer:
The uniFLOW printing system offers roughly 100 multifunction printers located around campus. Students can pay to print and photocopy one- or two-sided documents in color or black and white using their credit on their UNIGE ID card, as well as scan and send documents to their UNIGE email address for free.
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Deposit of the university library (DBU) Ce dépôt offre des services communs aux autres sites de la Bibliothèque de l'UNIGE