Center for Public Integrity (CPI) adalah organisasi jurnalisme investigasi nirlaba Amerika Serikat dengan misi "mengungkap penyalahgunaan kekuasaan, korupsi, dan pengabaian tugas oleh tokoh dan lembaga swasta besar agar mereka mau bertindak jujur, berintegritas, bertanggung jawab, dan mengutamakan kepentingan masyarakat."

public-policy conference hosted by the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism While there, they visited Capitol Hill to advocate on issues important to our society today 8 Lower School teacher and avid swimmer Maren Lynch swam 3 1 miles across Tampa Bay for the Tampa Bay Frogman swim “Never Leave a Man Behind” charity The Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to offering training for investigative reporters and nonprofit organizations at the state and local level and to provide them with the expertise and technical support necessary to pursue journalistic endeavors to better the lives of American citizens. Since its founding in 1985, Every Texan (formerly the Center for Public Policy Priorities – CPPP) has expanded opportunity and equity for Texans of all backgrounds. Based in Austin, Texas, Every Texan is a nonprofit organization that researches, analyzes, and advocates for public policies to expand equitable access to quality health care Center for Public Integrity; での使用状況 Center for Public Integrity; での使用状況 Consórcio Internacional de Jornalistas Investigativos; での使用状況 Категория:Международный консорциум журналистских расследований; sv Thirty years after it was founded, the D.C.-based investigative nonprofit Center for Public Integrity operates in a very different news environment from the one in which it began. Statehouse reporting has declined drastically, as have local newspapers themselves. The need for increased transparency in redistricting processes is clear; a 2012 investigation by The Center for Public Integrity reviewed every state's redistricting processes for both transparency and potential for public input, and ultimately assigned 24 states grades of either D or F.

Introduction. What do Wikipedia and journalism have in common? For one, a goal to increase public knowledge. That’s what inspired last week’s Wikipedia “Edit-A-Thon” at the Center for Public Integrity, where a team of our journalists — including lawyer Peter Smith — clustered around a conference room table with Wikipedia editors to share details about a topic we’re well-versed in

Lo Center for Public Integrity (literalament « Centre per l'integritat publica ») es una organizacion de jornalistas d'investigacion, sens tòca lucrativa, creada en 1989, basada a Washington aux Estats Units d'America. O The Center for Public Integrity (CPI; Centro de Integridade Pública) é uma organização não governamental sem fins lucrativos de jornalismo de investigação norte-americana cuja missão afirma ser a "revelação de abusos de poder, corrupção e incumprimento do dever por parte de instituições poderosas públicas e privadas de modo a que atuem com honestidade, integridade, responsabilidade e a colocar acima de tudo o interesse público". Center for Public Integrity. American nonprofit investigative journalism organization. Upload media. Wikipedia. Instance of. nonprofit organization. Location. Washington, D.C., District of Columbia. Headquarters location. International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), «Міжнародний консорціум журналістських розслідувань» — один з проектів Center for Public Integrity (CPI). Створений в 1997 році.

公共诚信中心(英語: Center for Public Integrity ,缩写作 CPI )是一个位于美国的非盈利新闻调查组织,其初衷是「揭示有权力的公众以及私人机构的滥权、腐败和玩忽职守等行为,以迫使他们诚实、正直、负责地行使权力,并且以公众利益为先」 。

American journalist, founder of The Center for Public Integrity. Upload media In Wikipedia. العربية Public domain Public domain false false Esta imagem consiste unicamente em formas geométricas simples ou texto. Não ultrapassa o limiar de originalidade necessário para a proteção dos direitos de autor e, portanto, está no domínio público . public-policy conference hosted by the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism While there, they visited Capitol Hill to advocate on issues important to our society today 8 Lower School teacher and avid swimmer Maren Lynch swam 3 1 miles across Tampa Bay for the Tampa Bay Frogman swim “Never Leave a Man Behind” charity The Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to offering training for investigative reporters and nonprofit organizations at the state and local level and to provide them with the expertise and technical support necessary to pursue journalistic endeavors to better the lives of American citizens. Since its founding in 1985, Every Texan (formerly the Center for Public Policy Priorities – CPPP) has expanded opportunity and equity for Texans of all backgrounds. Based in Austin, Texas, Every Texan is a nonprofit organization that researches, analyzes, and advocates for public policies to expand equitable access to quality health care